Day 15 - We'd 12/19/18 - Ft. Lauderdale Turnaround Day
Around 5am the Nieuw Statendam slipped into its berth at Terminal 26. At least that's what was announced, as I was fast asleep. All but around 270 guests were departing today and disembarkation started at 8:20 following HAL's customary color coded system. Since we were in-transit guests going on for 4 more days, we didn't have to wait for a color to be announced and could leave any time or even stay on board if we wished. For guests staying onboard, they had to assemble in the BBKing venue so HAL could get down to a zero count of guests onboard. Then the ship would be crawling with USCG and other inspectors and certifiers. Later one of the cooks confided that the inspectors really liked the chicken in the Lido.
We didn't have anything planned except that I wanted to find a swimming suit and there was a Ross department store nearby. However a cruising friend, Larry, called me and volunteered to pick us up and play tour & shopping guide. So we made our way off the ship with our in-transit passes and Global Entry credentials. It was good that we had Global Entry as the regular disembarkation line was 100's of people long.
Larry took us shopping and I found a swim suit. Then he showed us his condo in Lauderdale by the Sea and the local area, and we enjoyed a local restaurant lunch.
Back at the ship around 2pm, we easily reboarded with our in-transit passes. The ship definitely seemed more full. And the there was definitely the view of passengers walking around like deer in the headlights.
We had a letter exempting us from doing the emergency drill so during that time I spent the time working on my blog. I even saw a large ray leap out of the water and splash back down. After the drill we watched a SilverSeas small cruise ship arrive and the Caribbean Princess ship depart. As our 5 o'clock scheduled departure time approached, Captain de Boer announced a delayed departure for 8pm due to late provisions and late passengers. A sailaway party was in full swing on Deck 9 aft, and around 6pm we ate our customary Lido dinner.
Upon returning to the room after 7pm, there was a nasty gram note that we had missed the drill and we needed to attend a 6pm makeup drill or we wouldn't be allowed to sail. So I took both letters to the front desk and explained the situation. The desk clerk responded that 'you were in the manifest and needed to attend the drill!' I re-emphasized and pointed out the wording exempting us from the drill. She was a bit flustered and took the documents back into the office. She returned and finally apologized and kept the nasty gram. It sure didn't leave a good taste about communications.
We saw friends in the Dutch Cafe and they didn't get a letter, so I don't know what the problem with us was. We ended up watching the sail away with them as the ship silently backed away from its berth, turned counterclockwise 90°, and sailed out the narrow channel into the open sea. Horns were blown along the way.
The World Stage show was Doug Funk, an improvisational comedian who was really good. He had great timing and used members of the audience quite effectively. Afterwards we enjoyed a set of the dueling pianos doing the ge British Invasion.
Apart from the letter snafu, it was a good day. Tomorrow is a sea day. Stay tuned.
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